Alternative Insight

The Steal of the Century

Much has been said of the proposed “Steal of the Century,” rigged by the United States Executive Department to advance powerful Israel and silence the powerless Palestinians. Touted as a fresh approach to Middle East Peace by Israeli Representative to the UN, Danny Danon, who claims, “That’s what makes it good,” the fresh plan is a stale and obvious continuation of Israel’s peace policy, which has been to capture as much as possible of Palestinian lands before forcing the remaining land holders into a surrounded enclave, where they will be carefully guarded. If agreed, the plan leads to a complete capitulation by the Palestinians and consolidation of Israel’s advancements. The extent to which the Palestinians are involved in their fate is shown by the mechanization of the plan.

If the Palestinians agree to the plan, plan details will be set in motion.
If Palestinians do not agree, plan details will be set in motion.
If Palestinians do nothing, plan details will be set in motion.

In 1919, Woodrow Wilson’s King-Crane Commission visited Palestine on a fact-finding mission. Initially sympathetic to Zionism, the commissioners reported an unlikely view. “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conferences with Jewish representatives that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine…No British officers, consulted by the Commissioners, believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except by force of arms…The initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a ‘right’ to Palestine based on occupation of two thousand years ago, can barely be seriously considered.”

After the details are placed in position, only a temporary step, israel, with its uncontrolled settlers, will undoubtedly provoke the Palestinians, and exclaim the Palestinians have violated the unsigned agreement. Victimized Israel will be forced to act in its interests and defend itself against the terrorist aggressor. A new and fresh peace plan will be written with no more territory contiguity, and no more attachment of the West Bank to Gaza. Expect this peace plan to propose that the Palestinians agree to population control and some resettlement to other lands.

Why is the US even involved in this genocide? The Palestinians have not harmed the American people. History serves up the explanation.

The United States, which gave the world centuries of the most awful slavery, genocide of Native American peoples, misery and civil strife to Latin American nations, killing of masses at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, slaughter of the Vietnamese people, slaughter of the Iraqi people, ammunition for the rise of al-Qaeda, decades of Afghan suffering, and the Libyan debacle, among other acts of violence, now gives us the destruction of the Palestinian people. The United States is a confused nation of isolated people who have no cognizance of their destructive nature.

Imagine, conjuring up a state within a state. When has this happened? Well, there is Nagorno-Karabakh, somewhat landlocked within Azerbaijan, and there is Lesotho within South Africa, and, oh yes, the Nazis briefly contemplated a Jewish nation within either Germany or Poland.

The Nuremberg laws forbade Jews to fly the German flag and encouraged them to acquire a new flag for their state within a state.

Zionist Banner Decreed Official Jewish Flag by Nazis
Jewish Telegraphic Agency January 2, 1936
BERLIN (Dec. 31)

The Nazi authorities today decreed that the Zionist blue-white banner is the official Jewish flag and may be displayed under protection of the police throughout Germany. The decree is based on the flag law passed by the Reichstag at the Nuremberg session at which the anti-Jewish legislation was adopted. Jews are expressly forbidden by this law to display the German flag.
"It is up to the Jewish nation," the decree states, "to decide for itself which are to be the colors of the Jewish national flag, but until then the Zionists' blue-white flag, together with the symbols of all the different Zionist groups, is valid in the Reich as the Jewish flag and as such will be enjoying State protection."

Where does all of this lead? Already many of Israel’s adversaries, those who did not believe it is proper to steal land from native people and subjugate then to a lifetime of oppression and degradation, have been silenced – Egypt. Libya, Sudan, Iraq, and Syria – while Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah await their fate. Expect the total destruction of the Palestinian people, crushing of Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the numbing of the Middle East. Expect retribution -- mind Inciting hatred and terrorism for all time –- a never ending cycle of deadly confrontations and more deadly punishments; all due to Israel, its worldwide army of obedient supporters, and  a complacent world that refuses to combat evil done to others and will not recognize its own complicity.

The world hosts many oppressions -- Royhingya in Myanmar, ethnic groups in both North and South Sudan, Shi’a communities in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are just a few examples. Although a large part of the international community sympathizes with the oppressed groups, petitions world bodies to relieve the oppressions, and provides some relief and support, substantial action is not taken to alleviate the suffering and reverse the destructions. The complacency bewilders those who labor for equality and justice.

Inaction occurs when nations adjacent to the oppression are not affected or cannot adequately respond, when the oppressed group is insufficiently represented in other nations and is unable to rally support, and when the mayhem does not greatly affect other nations around the world. The Royhingya dilemma generates television melodrama, a tug on the heart, a few gentle tears, but gathers no relief to their suffering and pain.

The crisis for the Palestinian people is different and unique; their suffering and pain under extreme oppression does not contain limitations to action. Adjacent nations can be equipped to act aggressively, and partisans of Palestine exist in force in western nations, especially in the United States. They need assistance in the struggle to advance their positions. The crisis that attends the Palestinian people moves much of the world to demand an equitable solution. Sadly and bewildering, it remains mostly rhetoric, words, and conversation. Lacking is an agenda for a unified strategy and actions that carry out the strategy. Lacking is the will to counter one of the greatest of deliberate acts of violence against a people in humankind’s modern history.

alternative insight
february 7, 2020